Fraction Multitool

Generalization of fraction operations

Fraction 1 numerator:

Fraction 1 denominator:

Fraction 2 numerator:

Fraction 2 denominator:


Find mn\frac{m}{n} of kl(00×00)\frac{k}{l} \left( \frac{0}{0} \times \frac{0}{0} \right )


Partition [0,kl](\left[ 0 , \frac{k}{l} \right ] ([0,00]\left[ 0 , \frac{0}{0} \right ])) into n(0)n \left( 0 \right ) equal parts, then concatenate m(0)m \left( 0 \right ) of those parts


The first step is to partition kl(00)\frac{k}{l} \left( \frac{0}{0} \right ) into n(0)n \left( 0 \right ) equal parts, but we can't, so we must force kl(00)\frac{k}{l} \left( \frac{0}{0} \right ) into being able to be split into n(0)n \left( 0 \right ) equal parts. In order to do that, we must use equivalent fractions to make k(0)k \left( 0 \right ) into a multiple of n(0)n \left( 0 \right ):
kl=k×nl×n=knln\frac{k}{l} = \frac{k \times n}{l \times n} = \frac{k n}{\ln{}}00=0×00×0=00\frac{0}{0} = \frac{0 \times 0}{0 \times 0} = \frac{0}{0}
The next step is to split the equivalent fraction into n(0)n \left( 0 \right ) equal parts, each of which is kln(00)\frac{k}{\ln{}} \left( \frac{0}{0} \right ) in length. All that is left is to concatenate m(0)m \left( 0 \right ) of these parts.


mn\frac{m}{n} of kl\frac{k}{l} is k×ml×n\frac{k \times m}{l \times n}
00×00=00\frac{0}{0} \times \frac{0}{0} = \frac{0}{0}